A professional cleaning service is recommended for routine upholstery maintenance. For your convenience we are providing care information. While this information is considered reliable, Brentano, Inc. cannot guarantee the results.
Always pre-test a cleaning method in a small, inconspicuous spot. It is best to use several gentle cleanings rather than a single concentrated or rigorous cleaning. In high traffic areas, especially with light colors, check to make sure a textile has a solvent resistant finish before using stronger cleaners.
Samples may be requested for testing cleaning products, please contact Brentano’s Sample Department at samples@brentanofabrics.com
B (Bleach) This code indicates it is safe to use bleach to clean and disinfect the fabric. A solution of 1-part household bleach, such as Clorox, to 10 parts water (B 1:10) is generally sufficient for cleaning the fabric as this is the ratio the Center for Disease Control recommends using for killing viruses and bacteria. However, many of our fabrics can withstand a higher concentration of 1-part household bleach to 5 parts water (B 1:5). Apply the bleach solution on the stained area then gently rub the area and blot it off. Repeat procedure with clean water to avoid residue build up.
Note that solution ratios can differ depending on the fabric so please refer to our fabric information section to get the proper cleaning solution ratio for each individual fabric.
S (Solvent) Vacuum the entire piece including all sides of the cushions and the main frame. Be careful not to create any abrasions or blemishes. This process will remove most surface soil plus hard or solid particles. When using a solvent or dry-cleaning product, follow instructions carefully and clean in only a well-ventilated area. Clean with a dry-cleaning solvent, which should be evenly dispersed and immediately absorbed/vacuumed. Do not discharge large amounts of solvent that could penetrate the fabric down to the foam or padding as the solvent may damage or dissolve the filing. Avoid using acetone or acid as cleaning agents at all times.
W/S (Water based detergent or Solvent) Frequent vacuuming or light brushing to remove dust and grime is recommended. Spot clean with mild solvent, an upholstery shampoo, or the foam from a mild detergent. Avoid any product that contains Carbon Tetrachloride or other toxic materials. With either method, pre-test a small inconspicuous area before proceeding. We recommend using a professional furniture cleaning service when the piece is excessively soiled.
W (Water) Use water-based cleaner. Spot clean with the foam of a water-based cleaning agent such as a mild detergent or commercial upholstery shampoo. Use sparingly and avoid over-wetting. Do not use Dry Cleaning solvents. Pile fabric may require brushing to restore its appearance.
Sheers and Drapery A reputable dry cleaner that specializes in home furnishings is always recommended for sheers and draperies. Few fabrics are completely stable. Fabrics breathe and absorb moisture, resulting in stretching or shrinking. It is considered reasonable to allow some natural fibers as much as a 3% change in length. When selecting a dry cleaner, make sure that they perform a blocking on the sheers and draperies after cleaning and pressing to ensure that the fabric retains its original length.
Velvet Regularly vacuuming pile fabrics removes loose dirt before it becomes embedded in the fibers and should be a part of regular maintenance. Spots and stains should be addressed as soon as possible. Dry solid material should be carefully scraped off and vacuumed; liquids should be gently blotted, working inward from the outside of the affected area. Exposure to water and pressure can cause permanent crushing of rayon pile, so this fiber especially should never be rubbed or steamed. When the fabric is completely dry, gently brush in the direction of the pile to restore its loft.
Polyurethane Since polyurethane blocks moisture, most water-based or mild stains can be eliminated using soap, water, and a soft sponge. If a stain is persistent or a more difficult stain such as oil or ink, first check to see if the pattern has a solvent resistant finish. Products that are solvent resistant can be cleaned with agents such as Windex, mineral sprits, 50% diluted bleach, or Naphtha. If a fabric does not have a solvent resistant finish, please call Brentano for consultation. Be aware that Brentano polyurethane is designed to be degradable and should not be treated like a vinyl. Harsh chemicals such as acetone may affect the appearance of the surface. Avoid using acetone or vinegar as cleaning agents at all times.
Silicone The nature of silicone allows it to be cleaned with a myriad of different cleaning agents without ill effects. Dry solid material should be carefully removed or vacuumed. The non-porous nature of silicone will allow liquids to bead on the surface and blotted for removal. For more stubborn stains, water-based, solvent, and/or bleach solutions may be used according to the product’s specified cleaning codes. After cleaning, best practices recommend removing as much of the cleaning agent as possible with a damp cloth. This will promote longevity and appearance retention of the textile. Avoid use of acetone or harsh acids/bases.
We are providing fabric care information for your convenience. While this information is considered reliable, Brentano, Inc. cannot guarantee the results. The information and recommendations offered here are given without warranty, representation or inducement of any kind, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular use or purpose. Please read product specification carefully to determine appropriateness for specific applications.