A labeling system using a flower symbol to designate products that have been checked by independent bodies and certified compliant with strict ecol...
A type of velvet fabric woven on a wire loom or épinglé loom. The épinglé velvet is specific by the fact that both loop pile and cut pile can be in...
Any one of over 366 hazardous chemicals on a list compiled by the EPA to provide a focus for state and local emergency planning.
Excessive growth of algal blooms in streams, lakes and other waterways due to the addition of excessive amounts of plant nutrients (primarily phosp...
Products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services tha...
Founded by Michael Braungart in 1987. The Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency applies Cradle to Cradle methodology to design of new proce...
The U.S. federal agency established in July of 1970 to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment, air, water and land upon whic...
An industry-developed and driven management structure that prioritizes compliance with environmental policy objectives and targets effective implem...
Federal laws and regulations (including NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969) require the federal government to evaluate effects of ...